Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Artistic Expression in your Champagne Toasts

A year ago, my boyfriend and I traveled to Spain (Madrid, Barcelona, Sevilla, Valencia)- I must say Spain is a beautiful country with immense culture and most of all delicious food! - After a year, I’m still raving about it. During my sightseeing, I went to a Wine Bar in Madrid- I decided to have a glass of champagne. The bartender put this Wild Hibiscus raspberry gel inside my flute glass- it looked like a mini octopus with the tentacles. He poured champagne inside the glass, miraculously the raspberry gel turned into this beautiful Wild Hibiscus flower. I was amazed! I had to take a picture of it; also I wanted to search for these raspberry gels when I returned to the states so I can serve it to my guests. I thought this would be a unique concept in celebrating a memorable event- such as serving it to guests for wedding champagne toasts. I searched online everywhere, and I finally found it! Read below the research tips. It’s a small bottle of 11 raspberry gel flowers (one per guest); also there is a larger bottle. It adds a perfect touch to your flute glasses! As well as it is picture perfect! You can give it as an engagement gift, bridal shower gift or a wedding gift. Cheers and Enjoy!

Above-Pictures of the wine bar in Madrid, Spain as the bartender serves a glass of champagne!

Visit the product site-

You can order it online-

Or you can visit Citarella’s –
2135 Broadway at 75th Street (cost $11.00 for a bottle of 11 flowers-if you have 10 tables in your reception venue that will cost you $110.00)

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